Table of Contents:
(Copyright: Robert Wright, 1999-2011)
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- Home Page Divisioons -
NFL & Hollywood.
My E-bike & Accessories.
Worthy Charities of Support.
Do You Have Breast Cancer?
Best Bible-based Charities.
National Weather Service.
YouTUBE VIdeos.
Travel Research.

- TIPS On -
Technology & Softwaare.
Creative Suite 6: Photoshop:
In Photoshop CS6, Setting Larger Fonts to Menus involves two steps.
1. Inside Photoshop Click on Edit / Preferenc / Interface / UI Font Size and set to "Large" and ...

2. Right Click on PS6 Icon / Click on Performance / Compatibility / "Change High DPI setting"

Under High DPI Scaling override Check Box "Override High DPI Scaling behavior"

Scaling Performed by: Must be Set to "SYSTEM".